Backstage Salon i Croton-on-Hudson

Forenede StaterBackstage Salon



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420, South Riverside Avenue, 10520, Croton-on-Hudson, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 914-862-4642
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.193199, Longitude: -73.880288

kommentar 5

  • Your Pops

    Your Pops


    Great haircuts I myself am very picky when it comes to haircuts. Ive gone to the most expensive ones but this is he only place that does it right! 5 Stars

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    Jeanette Vecchione-Donatti


    I am very particular about who does my hair and Kathy had really exceeded all my expectations from the beautiful color job to the outstanding cut I got. This is probably one of the best cuts I’ve ever gotten! Everyone loves it and I love if so I’m very happy! Would HIGHLY recommend!!

  • Cooper Laemmel

    Cooper Laemmel


    Backstage Salon is amazing! They take such good care of their customers from the moment you walk in. The staff is very friendly and accommodating. The Salon is beautiful as well. The lights, decor and accents throughout bring such a fun flair. My daughter and I both see Kathy and we are pleased each time we go. The prices are great too!

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    Jennifer Stephens


    Amazing salon! Leslie does an amazing job on my highlights ever time!! Always leave happier than I walked in! The staff is so friendly and makes you feel like family.

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    adria amaral


    Backstage could not get any better!! Amazing highlights and cut by Kathy, I truly can't put into words her exceptional ability. (no one else can EVER touch my hair!): Leslie did my waxing! No pain, no redness! Danielle assisted with my foils and did my shampoo. She gives an amazing massage, & Maggie best customer service as always! They are all so awesome. Thank you Backstage for another phenomenal experience. Adria

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