BabiesRUs w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczoneBabiesRUs



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4835, East Ray Road, 85044, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 480-705-0400
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.3173708, Longitude: -111.9787574

komentarze 5

  • Crafty Momma

    Crafty Momma


    I went to this location not expecting anything to be in my budget. And since I read some reviews on here saying the staff was rude, I was expecting that as well. I looked around and put some items in my cart and at the register, the cashier was very nice. She has an up-beat personality and made conversation with us meanwhile checking us out. ** Everyone should know that when you purchase something from a store that is going out of business, you can't return it.

  • Providence Musik

    Providence Musik


    I’m actually happy their place is closing after today’s experience. The lady with the drawn is sharpie eye brows needs an education on customer service and communication skills. It isn’t my fault the company is closing and you are out a job. You don’t have to stay if you hate your position.

  • Trisha Sanders

    Trisha Sanders


    Store is open and excepting your money still but oh WAIT they wont take my gift card I paid cash for any longer! How convenient for them! So I've got a 25$ piece of plastic yet they continue to except any other form of payment! I don't feel bad that they are closing at ALL!

  • en

    Brandon Taylor


    I am so sad that Babysrus is closing! They always have everything I am looking for! So sad they won't be able to provide their amazing service anymore! They are liquidating their stores already so you can go in to get a discount before they close soon! Again so sad and wish they weren't closing!

  • Flor Z

    Flor Z


    We went into the store hoping to find a crib we had seen online but were told it had to be purchased online which we ended up doing, while this process went smoothly I feel that the staff at the store missed an opportunity to provide a good experience for a first time mom. I asked a few things and the associate kept walking away showing no interest on my concerns.We wanted to buy the mattress and the bedding at the time but kept looking for an employee with no luck. I was very excited and ready to buy all the necessary items for the baby but ended up doing the shopping somewhere else instead. Maybe a little training to the young employees would help. There is a great selection of items at this store but now days you can pretty much find any of those items online for a cheaper price, as far as I'm concerned, it was the experience and sharing it with my mom and sister what I was looking for that night, and Amazon can't provide that.

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