B & L Jewelers en New Paltz

Estados UnidosB & L Jewelers


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101, Main Street, 12561, New Paltz, Ulster County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-255-8919
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.7482668, Longitude: -74.0844444

comentarios 5

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    Gemma Bucci-Edwards


    My parents passed away and I brought their anniversary clock to be fixed last year. It didn’t work long so I returned it. He had it close to a year- I’d check on it monthly. He always said it was being worked on. I got it back November 2017-not working-missing the key and he wouldn’t give my $ back. I always wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt-but this shows his unethical business practice.

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    Sarah Melvin


    Never thought I'd be posting anything negative like this but the owner of B&L Jewelers is nasty and damaged my car window by gluing an "I will tow your car" sign to my window.

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    Peter Delaney


    The owner is notorious for being rude and destroying other's property. He parks his truck across 3 spots regularly and will SUPERGLUE a sign to your car window if you park in front of his store, damaging your vehicle. Avoid this store at all costs.

  • Anne Malinowski

    Anne Malinowski


    I have been a customer of B&L Jewelers for many years without any issues. Bill's prices are great and his repair service is fast and efficient.

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    john Faro


    Had to see for myself what the bad reviews were about. I found the owner outside walking his 12 year old Springer Spaniel, how bad could he be? I have to say he was most helpful advising me on and releasing my overwound vintage Breitling and was more than reasonable with his pricing for changing watch batteries. I will go back.

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