b hair studio i Huntington Station

Forenede Staterb hair studio



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295, West Jericho Turnpike, 11746, Huntington Station, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-972-3141
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 40.8293167, Longitude: -73.4205539

kommentar 4

  • Margot Dessi

    Margot Dessi


    Blenda is awesome. She gave me a great cut and has fair prices. The keratin was great too ❤

  • en

    MonaLisa Teekasingh


    Talented and Savy Stylist!... Ms. B caters to Trendy and classic styles! She's great with hair and make up for ALL events!

  • en

    Jen Hillman


    I hired Jen to do my hair for my wedding in September and I couldn't have been more pleased with the outcome. She was recommended to me by my makeup artist so I meet with her about three months before the wedding to feel her out, get a haircut and talk to her about the big day. I immediately felt comfortable with her so I booked a trial and reserved her for the day of to do my hair plus all the bridesmaids. The morning of the wedding she came to my house along with her assistant and everyone was very happy with the results. I also had Jen meet us at the reception a few hours later to do a second look for myself plus touch up all the bridesmaids...which was great. Once I heard that she offered that service, I knew I was gonna book with her because I felt like it was an absolute must. I have very thick, curly, unpredictable hair and even if I didn't want a second look, I still knew that I would need touch ups. After the wedding, Jen became my primary hair stylist that I continue to use. She recently told me that she now offers the bride an option to have her with them the whole day. If this was offered for my wedding, I would have definitely booked for the whole day. At the reception, with all the dancing going on and having pictures taken constantly, it would have been great knowing she was there to ensure my hair was perfect. I can say with first hand experience, my hair definitely got messed up the later it got. I was sweating from all the dancing, my husband accidentally messed up my hair when we were taken pictures and of course he didn't even notice so there are a bunch of photos that are unusable bc of my hair. I wished I had her there making sure it was perfect for the entire night.

  • XoBlendaXo



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