Azizi Custom Tailoring i Tarrytown

Forenede StaterAzizi Custom Tailoring



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25, South Broadway, 10591, Tarrytown, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 914-631-2100
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Latitude: 41.075477, Longitude: -73.858918

kommentar 4

  • en

    Roger Rooney


    Mr. Azizi is a fine tailor and a truly nice person. We have brought garments to him for alterations for many years. The experience has always been outstanding.

  • en

    Mark Reed


    I’m so glad to live in Tarrytown because I would drive much further for a tailor of this quality!

  • Gregory Lofaro

    Gregory Lofaro


  • Andrew Thompson

    Andrew Thompson


    I had a suit tailored here in the fall of 2012. I bought the suit elsewhere (I was a groomsman in a wedding), and brought it here for tailoring. He hemmed the pants, and tapered the jacket and shirt so they fit my torso better. The service was impeccable and my suit looked amazing. How amazing? Someone at the wedding told me I looked like Daniel Craig out of a James Bond movie. If you're looking to get a suit (or dress shirts) tailored for a more modern fit, this place does a perfect job. I don't know how the price compares to other tailors in the area, but it seemed fair considering the quality of the work. The owner is very friendly and professional and he's clearly been doing this for a long time. I highly recommend Azizi Tailoring.

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