Avin Auto Service (Shell Gas Station) i Woodbridge Township

Forenede StaterAvin Auto Service (Shell Gas Station)



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571, Inman Avenue, 07067, Woodbridge Township, Middlesex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 732-388-3377
internet side: sites.google.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.5984252, Longitude: -74.3272384

kommentar 5

  • en

    Amit P


    Great service and friendly people! Much cheaper than other places I looked into. Definitely worth the trip and would highly recommend.

  • Shaishav Patel

    Shaishav Patel


    I had a best auto repair experience there!! They are all extremely nice and helpful and will even take the time to explain what is wrong and any preventative measures. I would highly recommend them for their excellent service and solid ethics!!

  • en

    Satish Nambiar


    Horrible place. The parts they use here are next to junk. Replaced the brake pads and rotors here, and since then the brakes had been making a screeching sound. Took it to them multiple times, but didn't help.. every time they just removed and reinstalled again saying nothing wrong with the pads/rotors and finally they say warranty is over, nothing can be done. Had to take to a decent mechanic who replaced the parts again and it has been fine since then.

  • Robert Melick

    Robert Melick


    Most honest mechanic I have been to and I have been to at least a dozen mechanics. Never pushes you to fix anything unless it is actually necessary. Excellent prices and fixes everything right the first time. Would not take car anywhere else.

  • en

    yolanda v


    My husband goes there and recommend it to me. Unlucky my car engine was busted and too expensive for me to afford. He was so kind to allow me to leave the car there until I was able to get rid of it. I recommend it to anyone who wants an honest, understandable and trusted mechanic. He also did find out what did ruin my car engine which was the oil used when changing it. (Did not change it there ).

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