Avi Malkis, DDS en Larchmont

Estados UnidosAvi Malkis, DDS



🕗 horarios

1415, Boston Post Road, 10538, Larchmont, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-834-1646
sitio web: www.larchmontfamilydental.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.933152, Longitude: -73.748302

comentarios 5

  • en

    denise kelly


    Dr. Malkis is the best, He is kind , caring and friendly. Puts you very much at ease. He is an excellent dentist. I have a great fear of dentists, and he has cured that fear. His work is perfect and never a bit of pain or discomfort!! I highly recommend him!!!

  • en

    Nicole Krausse


    I have been seeing Dr. Malkis for a few years now, he is very personable, friendly, and good at what he does. His office staff always greats you with a smile. My entire family has begun to see Dr. Malkis. Going to the dentist is no longer something I put off.

  • YeeLing Liu

    YeeLing Liu


    I have been seeing Dr. Malkis for a number of years now as my dentist. Every visit has been met with high quality of service. He is understanding, patient and caring during every visit. Dr. Malkis listens to concerns and addresses dental issues in a timely manner. As of late- my mother recently saw Dr. Malkis. My mother currently has a number of dental issues that need to be address. He was not only sensitive to my mother (who is elderly) but understanding of her fears of dental visits. She came out of the appointment in great attitude and is confident that Dr. Malkis will help her restore her teeth (She has a number of dental issues and needs to correct these issues over a period of time). If you are in the Fairfield County area - please visit him at Shel Dental. You will not be disappointed!!

  • Opal Moo Yin

    Opal Moo Yin


    I switched to Shel Dental about 2 years ago and I have all great experience.. Flexible schedule, great staff, great dentists, uo to date information.. Proactive with scheduling and any update to my teeth.

  • en

    Paula Valenti


    I could not have asked for a more professional,talented dentist he not only did a beyond exceptional job on 8 caps, working with my Insurance company. Dr. Avi Malkis and his staff are a joy to be around. My family and I have been using him for 4 years. I have seen at least 5 dentists in this area and I can say from my experience at my age that he has been the best dentist that I have had the pleasure to deal with. Beyond 5* for sure!

Dentista más cercano

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