Avalon Heating & Air Conditioning i Freeport

Forenede StaterAvalon Heating & Air Conditioning



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350, Atlantic Avenue, 11520, Freeport, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 718-412-0575
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Latitude: 40.6450663, Longitude: -73.591523

kommentar 3

  • Eric Coleman

    Eric Coleman


    The quote for installation of an A/C given by Avalon Heating & Air Conditioning at their office was the lowest as compared to other companies who insisted in coming to my house for a survey. They did a good job and now my kids don’t have to suffer the heat in the hot days again. Thank you Avalon Heating & Air Conditioning for your outstanding service. I won’t hesitate to recommend you to my friend and relatives.

  • Andrea Rios

    Andrea Rios


    I hired Avalon Heating & Air Conditioning to put in my new furnace, and that was the first time I was using their service. They did a great job, got the work done on time and did quality work. I had a good experience with them. I'm glad one of my friends told me about them because they made a very easy experience for me.I will be their regular customer from now on wards.

  • Stephanie Howard

    Stephanie Howard


    Avalon Heating & Air Conditioning is by far the most credible, reliable HVAC company, I have ever worked with. The techs were terrific to work with. Cannot thank everyone who was involved enough for all the help and outstanding service they provided. Highly recommended.

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