Avalon Cafe and Bakery Downtown w Detroit

Stany ZjednoczoneAvalon Cafe and Bakery Downtown



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1049, Woodward Avenue, 48226, Detroit, Wayne County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 313-285-8006
strona internetowej: www.avalonbreads.net
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 42.3327673, Longitude: -83.0479108

komentarze 5

  • en

    Ramon Wheeler


    This is a great establishment. Since its conception it has adapted to the ever changing business of Downtown Detroit. The food is a treat and the service is good. I look forward to seeing the constant changes to come with this growing brand.

  • en

    Tracey Morris


    Excellent food, coffee, and baked goods. Try the Green Goddess Cobb and the Sea Salt Chocolate Chip cookies. It'll be busy before 9 or at lunchtime, but service is pretty quick. There's a good variety of pre-made sandwich and salad options if you're in a hurry. They also have a nice selection of craft beers and wines.

  • Mark Tremel

    Mark Tremel


    Avalon feels like it should be in a college town. Very relaxed, healthy choices mixed in with some maybe not so healthy. Fresh bread made with locally sourced ingredients, crazy assortment of sandwiches, pizza, coffee, beer and wine. Not a lot of seating available, but a lot of people seem to do carry out. Super location kitty corner from the Hudson site.

  • en

    Mike Nielsen


    Very tasty food and drink for the standard american diet. Plenty of different meat dishes and an impressive assortment of first class bakery goods. The healthy slant they had when they first opened is mostly gone as the target the more common food selections.

  • Ghassan Atmeh

    Ghassan Atmeh


    Love this place! Great food, really good coffee! I always go there on weekends for a late breakfast it brunch. It's always packed, but they have fast service. When the weather is nice the outdoor seating are is the place to be.

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