AutoZone i Las Vegas

Forenede StaterAutoZone



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6530, Boulder Highway, 89122, Las Vegas, Clark County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 702-435-9378
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.0827181, Longitude: -115.031489

kommentar 5

  • en

    Andrew Truffin


    What can I say AutoZone got all kinds of cool stuff for your automobile. The service there was very good they are very helpful.

  • en

    Len Brookins


    Thanks to Mr Ken for an excellent service very friendly, helpful and feel welcome all the time. Thanks Ken!

  • James Abram

    James Abram


    I have two places where I always go shopping for my Roxanne. One is Pep Boys in the other one is AutoZone. Both have good prices and great staff.

  • Jacqueline Canteberry

    Jacqueline Canteberry


    Excellent service from all the employees. I was all over the place and they still had patience with me.

  • en

    Joe Guti


    M. Gomez helped us and has excellent customer service. Very helpful, makes me as a customer feel welcome and does not make me feel like a nuisance as other stores have. Above and beyond expectations. Needed emergency power steering fluid for my hummer and he actually helped me find what I needed and suggested leak stop which I didn't even know was an option. Will be coming back to this location for the welcoming and helpful person Mr Gomez was. Management should have him train employees at other stores!!!

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