AutoZone i Massapequa Park

Forenede StaterAutoZone



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6100, Sunrise Highway, 11758, Massapequa Park, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-882-0210
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.6806302, Longitude: -73.4308785

kommentar 5

  • en

    Leonard Telesca


    Great staff really helpful

  • Pmpbreeze Ogah

    Pmpbreeze Ogah


    Good place nice people.

  • en

    Hector Hernandez


    Very friendly staff very helpful with what I need very attentive what more can you ask for from establishment if product is not available you can also head out to the new 24 hour Parts location located out in Levittown I believe called the parts Hub other than that local to me they do a great job

  • en

    S Rx


    Great staff. Good selection. Moderately priced. Convenient location.

  • en

    Jason Guzman


    Very good store for the most part, very expansive inventory some merchandise goes for a way but out there though. The check out is pretty decent just you feel a little (overhauled) by the disconnectedness of the store and its employees. Go to the store with an eye on the prizes and you'll do good.

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