AutoZone w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneAutoZone



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3011, Veterans Road West, 10309, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-569-3520
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.5275905, Longitude: -74.2353487

komentarze 5

  • en

    phillip Cutler


    This autozone near the outerbridge is the most unprofessional autozone i have ever done business with.all the workers will be in the back of the store playing for 20mins at a clip,ive received a bad attitude from almost every worker in there.. Ive been told too go to the "big store" when i needed to order something, because they were to lazy too walk too the computer. I finally started driving too the other autozones on s.i. and what a difference!i live in tottenville,and the delinquents are only one mile away,i drive too richmond ave by the mall ten miles away,(now my favorite)rather then deal with selfproclaimed know it alls or just lazy (f u pay me) n.y attidude....p.s there is one worker in there, a light skinned back man,sometimes wares glasses,that is very knowledgeable,courteous,a pleasure to deal with.he should not be at that store...

  • Joseph Tessora

    Joseph Tessora


    This autozone has to be the worst store on staten island. Upon entering the store no one greeted me. In order to get attention I had to make my presence known to Chris who was having a conversation with ex employee. Chris should be immediately fired. He attempted to sell me a battery charger. Refused to test or charge my battery. But doesn't the sign on the window outside say you test & charge batteries for free. Thanks Chris I appreciate you & your lying ass. I will not buy anything from Autozone again.

  • en

    Benito Palmieri


    This is a great place. They have all the parts you may need in stock.

  • en

    steven savino


    Walked in at 845 to 3 workers and a cat grouped around 1 register Clearly counting out the drawer at 845. Within 5 minutes grabbed 2 items and approached the register. At which point I was told they could not take me. Then changed their mind and said unless I was paying with a card. Employee rung up my items and swiped the gift card. When I saw the remaining balance I decided I did not need one of the 2 items. At which point he told me very rudely he couldn’t go back and there was nothing he could do about it. As we walked out with both items purchased he said go lock the door to his co worker. Door was locked by 855 one hour before the hours state.

  • en



    The guy at the register knew his stuff n helped me find what i needed... from when i walked in to when i walked out it must have taken a total of 45 seconds... thats how i like to get things done... fast and easy!!!

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