AutoZone w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneAutoZone



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2932, East Berry Street, 76105, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 682-312-2222
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7127686, Longitude: -97.2824979

komentarze 5

  • Vernon Elisher

    Vernon Elisher


    Never had the right part and employees didn't know how to check engine light!

  • en

    M AA


    This location is the worst I've ever visited. Gone multiple times and in different occasions they throw any answer to not help or guide your thru the store for a part. One occasion they double charged my card. Filed a claim with my bank. Not only are they not helpful or lazy they are idiots. Google is better than those dummies up there... today Peter C and the white old fat man were there and very unhelpful. They gave me the wrong item for my vehicle. Hence why I said Google is better. They are lazy and slow and ignorant on vehicles. Get some new and fast moving ppl and have those old ones retire. Them two old farts are a bad combination there.. will be contacting corporate. These two are horrible on separate occasions. I live near this location so I'm definitely interested in seeing new ppl working here.

  • en

    Deborah Her


    The lady that helped us is nice as can be. But they have a man working their that is so rude. Avoid the older bald white guy.

  • es

    Alfredo Ramirez


    Tienen un letrero que se habla espanol y cuando te atienden no quieren ayudarte porque segun los hispanos que tienen ahi trabajando no saben espanol y segun los contratan para ayudar al que no sabe ingles ademas que siempre estan enogados

  • Noni Bawse

    Noni Bawse


    Bad customer service. Both reps were rude I was trying to purchase an item using the mechanics commercial account and he told me I couldn’t. I don’t understand why I wouldn’t be able to when i cal at other locations without any issues. Short staffed. Long line and only one person using register. Everyone else won’t jump on register and help. The way the reps talk you would think they woke up on wrong side of the bed.

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