AutoZone i Yonkers

Forenede StaterAutoZone



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2262, Central Park Avenue, 10710, Yonkers, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 914-620-0000
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.974991, Longitude: -73.8325807

kommentar 5

  • en

    stan stolarski


    Have gotten parts & consumables here. Usually have in stock what I need as well as staff helpful in finding what I need.

  • Kenroy Wilkinson

    Kenroy Wilkinson


    Some people shouldn't work here, if they don't know how to handle their attitudes. Transferring to another location doesn't help neither. Cashier's need better Customer Service skills. That's the life of the business. Anything less will eventually lead to a decay.

  • Curtis Middleton

    Curtis Middleton


    The cashier spends more time helping people who calls in which makes the lines very long. The in-store customer should get first choice. We always have to wait for them to get off the phone.

  • Zo



    Absolutely zero customer service. The guy working there would rather be on his phone texting than actually doing his job. I came in and couldn’t find any of the things I was looking for. Asked him to help me find a screw and he told me to go pull it off of my car and bring it in. After I did that, he told me no we don’t have that screw. I asked him for an alternative or universal one to use in the meantime and he said I can look for it myself. Completely useless. I also wanted to get interior car detail brushes which they didn’t have either. This is the exact reason why retail is dying and people choose to shop online. Why drive an hour to a store to get ZERO customer service.

  • en

    Robin Andersoñ


    Sale associate very helpful. Pleased with the service. Will use them again for car supplies.

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