AutoNation Toyota Las Vegas w Las Vegas

Stany ZjednoczoneAutoNation Toyota Las Vegas



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6300, West Sahara Avenue, 89146, Las Vegas, Clark County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 702-605-5801
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Latitude: 36.1452615, Longitude: -115.2307233

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jennifer Hensley


    Tanner is awesome! Look no further if you need a new or used car. I reserved a (1 year old, not new, and not a Toyota) truck online to test drive, not really knowing yet exactly what I wanted (I hadn't bought a new vehicle in 13 years) . He made me feel like I was the most important customer of his day, even though I wasn't buying Toyota, nor brand new. I figured I'd spend the day driving different trucks at multiple dealerships to make my final decision. As soon as I reserved, Tanner contacted me and provided me all the information and links for the questions I had on the truck at their lot. From that first interaction, Tanner was amazing! Professional, helpful, responsive, and never overbearing or pushy. Long story short, Tanner spent most of the day getting different trucks (even running across Sahara to get one from the Autonation dealer there) just so I could see all the options and sizes. I ended up purchasing a truck from Tanner that I love, and felt comfortable knowing I had seen/driven all the options. I also had a great experience with Johnathan in Financing! No pressure, no up sales, just professional and helpful. I would definitely recommend Tanner, this dealership, and their staff!

  • Always Smile

    Always Smile


    Husband and I went in expecting to purchase a Corolla this was going to be out 1st buying a brand new car. As soon as we walked in Ahmad greeted us and asked for our needs he took the time to give us all our options and was never pushy. He went above and beyond with his knowledge to make sure our first big investment was worth it. We came out with a brand new 2018 Camry SE he was running around to look for the color I wanted Ruby Flare Pearl and he founded.

  • Michelle Valenzuela

    Michelle Valenzuela


    Sales Agent Chris Ross is an extraordinary and kind person. We walked in late at night to possibly purchase a vehicle. I wasn't feeling to well that night but, I still needed to buy a car. I had been praying for it quite sometime. So, there was Chris, ready to assist. He made the experience of purchasing a vehicle easy. He is very knowledgeable and had allot of patience with my husband and I. There was a brand new 2018 Camry parked and I mentioned to him. " It's parked here for a reason". I am now sure that Chris played a major key factor for me to purchase this vehicle and that car was ment for us. Another person I would like to mention is Kevin he promised me he would get me a great deal and he delivered. We were their last customers and left about 11pm. I am so grateful and humbled for the experience.

  • celia lopez

    celia lopez


    I definitely would recommend AutoNation Toyota! I needed to turn in my lease and Raymond Pace was so helpful and took the time to explain the process. He is professional, organized, and really is a full service kind of guy. I knew which car I wanted and he really went the extra mile to make me happy with the deal.I later sat with Frank in finance and he is another awesome employee! Very professional and had great vibes! Definitely recommend going to Raymond for sales and Frank in Finance! I'm coming back!

  • Jane Dimapilis

    Jane Dimapilis


    I just recently purchased a brand new Black Sand Pearl 2018 Toyota Corolla SE from AutoNation Toyota Las Vegas with the help of a wonderful salesperson, Leah Hopper! She is such a tremendous associate and an amazing addition to Toyota dealership. I don't think I would have continued my purchase if it wasn't for her. Leah was so helpful and informative. Not once did she leave out any details. She made sure that I understood everything from the moment I stepped in the dealership to the moment I stepped out with my brand new car. She also does not forget to priorities my comfort while I am shopping for a new car by offering snacks and drinks. The determination and patience to get paperwork and files were done as smooth and organized as possible. The amount of effort she puts in to have a successful purchase is outstanding. If only all dealerships had this same attitude, then people all over town would be spending their money somewhere worthwhile. Thank you very much, Leah Hopper, for all your help, genuine love and care for all your customers. You truly are a selfless person who aims to bring joy and happiness through your work environment. Thank you again, Leah, for the lovely experience you have brought to me! Expect more clients coming your way because I will be posting my brand new car and my awesome experience from AutoNation Toyota Las Vegas!

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