AutoNation Mazda Fort Worth w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneAutoNation Mazda Fort Worth



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5000, Bryant Irvin Road, 76132, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-200-4212
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.6763749, Longitude: -97.4179452

komentarze 5

  • Jerren Bermudez

    Jerren Bermudez


    The team here is Awesome! We were buying our new car with our 4 kids with us (all 5 and under) and they made it a great experience. They didn't try to over sell us... They heard what we needed and found us the perfect match.

  • Kathy Kiley

    Kathy Kiley


    It took almost 2 hours for an oil change which seemed a little long since I had an appointment. Otherwise, it was a very good experience. Gary, the driver, took me to Starbucks for a hot drink. He was so pleasant and helpful I forgot how long I had waited

  • en

    Wayne Sulak


    It took years for them to get the part on 2016 fuel line recall. Finally notified part was available, made "appointment" a week ahead of time, brought car in then later that day I was notified the dealership had to order part from warehouse and I would have to leave car another day. Why was the part not ordered in preparation for my appointment made a week ahead of time? After recall installed now my car appears to be leaking gas. Garage smells like gas in the morning when it did not before. I will have to take it in again. Service sucks.

  • casey dixon

    casey dixon


    I had such an amazing experience buying my new car here! Chris had everything ready to go before I even stepped on the lot. I was so impressed how it all ran so smoothly. I will definitely be back!

  • Josh Mabry

    Josh Mabry


    To any prospective customers of AutoNation Mazda, please allow me to share my opinions. I personally will not be going back to AutoNation. Was it the Service Advisor? Nope, he was great, and I feel went above and beyond to take care of me. Was it the service itself? Nope, they did a great job, everything I asked. Was it the price? Well, I was having stuff done at a dealership, so I didn't expect it to be cheap. I actually was expecting to pay more than I did, so, nope, price was good. So, you may ask, what was the problem, and it is simply this, management doesn't want people like me doing business with them. I choose to practice my lawful ability as a CHL holder. And management decided to place 30.06 and 30.07 signs on their service and parts buildings. 30.07 I don't mind, but 30.06 will keep me from doing business with a place. Just thought I would share. To management, I just wanted you to know that your actions are causing you to lose business. For every one person that notifies you of the reason why, you can imagine how many make the same decision without notifying you. Not telling you how to run your business, that is your thing. I just wanted to inform you of how you lost a customer.

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