Auto Sound Security & Tint w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneAuto Sound Security & Tint



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247-22, South Conduit Avenue, 11422, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-276-3202
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6651733, Longitude: -73.7303823

komentarze 5

  • en

    Brian West


    The best shop in Queens and long island come get your tints and system done great ppl great service great price

  • en

    All City


    This is in regards to the queens location, I cannot speak for the Brooklyn Shop or for their tint work. I don't like to write bad reviews that affect small business. However this place is bad business when it comes to audio installation and customer service. Be warned most of the good reviews are probably from friends or for the BK shop. I voiced my displeasure with the service and inform Sam the "manager" in charge I would write a bad review if the situation wasn't rectified . His response was "ohh I'm scared" and "he doesn't care about reviews b/c he got his own customers". I have video as proof if owner wants to dispute. I had to bring in another guy to fix the problem they caused and had to front money for that. Now my locks don't work so I have to take it to another shop to get fixed. They had my car for 2 weeks and couldn't fix the problem. Luckily I had another car. Any place that doesn't want to own up with messing up the job is not worth it.

  • en

    Sylburn Robbinson


    Please take your car to Moe he one of the best i ever seenHighly professional. Get your vehicle done on time. He is truly a good Guy.

  • en

    Bonnard V


    Came here numerous times for window tinting. Always came out well finished. Never had a bubble or tint discoloring. Fair pricing as well.

  • en

    Michael Marshall


    Excellent work. The guys there were professional & did an amazing job fast. Definitely gave my car a much better look.

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