Auto Lease Direct w Massapequa

Stany ZjednoczoneAuto Lease Direct



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4219 MerrrickRd, Massapequa, NY 11758, США
kontakt telefon: +1 516-442-4141
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.667034, Longitude: -73.4771109

komentarze 5

  • en

    J C


    Very attentive, Anthony is one of the best. He helped me get my Jeep Wrangler and was extremely patient when I would get aggravated with the short quantity that Jeep had released of their new vehicle. But he helped me get exactly what i wanted and delivered it to my house!!

  • en

    mirian ortega


    I was in the need to find the most adequate car for my needs and Ron was extremely helpful by providing me options that fit my needs and budget. The process was BEYOND easy, fast and efficient. I would definitely be going to Auto Lease Direct for all future cars. They were able to work around my schedule and location for the delivery of the car and it was all super easy, hazzle free, didn't even need to step foot in a dealership. Extremely satisfied with the service from beginning to end.

  • en

    amanda arlotta


    I was in the market for a new Infiniti q50 and had signed a contract with another dealership twice and both times it fell through. The first time I was delivered the wrong car due to a "miscommunication", and the second time they kept delaying it's arrival for various reasons. I never felt like the experience was a positive one. Auto Lease Direct was contacted on a Friday and I had the exact car I wanted in my posession by Saturday. Overall great experience and all parties involved were kind and efficient. Would definitely recommend them to anyone looking for a car!

  • en

    Danielle Geddes


    What a great experience leasing a car, I can't imagine I would ever do it another way again. Ron was excellent he answered all of my questions and returned my messages immediately. I cant say enough good things about Ron and this experience. I love my new Jeep !!!

  • Lori Bizzoco

    Lori Bizzoco


    Mike at Auto Lease Direct was absolutely incredible. I was working with another broker who was giving me the run around for 4 weeks. When I heard about Auto Lease Direct, I called immediately and in less than a week a new car was delivered right to my door! Hassle free. I mean it. Not a single hassle. They saved me more money than I could do on my own and once I signed the papers, I had the car I wanted at my house the next day! I will refer them to everyone.

najbliższy Dealer samochodowy

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