Auto Expo in New Hyde Park

Vereinigte StaatenAuto Expo


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1800, Jericho Turnpike, 11040, New Hyde Park, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 516-355-9292
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.7340448, Longitude: -73.6768383

kommentare 4

  • max canela

    max canela


  • Adam Arguijo

    Adam Arguijo


    Worst service ever, our family car never has any oil leaks since we got it, UNTIL my fiancee went online bought a Groupon for AUTO EXPO NEW HYDE PARK, please buyer beware Groupons don't get the 'A' mechanic or the 'B' mechanic like me you will get the helper , long story short I have a aluminum oil pan on a honda, everyone knows you hand tighten these it's because they're soft metal and can strip the plug or even the pan, after talking to the guy in the back office , he proceeds to tell me to come in to get it fixed, well a quick little drain-plug should take less than a oil change time, here I am 2 hours later, I have. O solution, I get this B.S. line, "it's wear and tear , that's how you know your talking good care of your car" so after being treated like i am a idiot , and see the competency of the helper illl.never go back even to get fixed I rather everyone know...they wont take ownership of own screwups... now im having replace my oil pan after close inspection on second shop... they even let me leave dripping oil with a hurry and get that looked at before the plug falls out! videos submitting to consumer affairs

  • Michael Disanti

    Michael Disanti


  • en

    Kendra Hargrove


nächste Autohändler

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