Augies Garage & Smithtown Transmissions w Smithtown

Stany ZjednoczoneAugies Garage & Smithtown Transmissions



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376, East Main Street, 11787, Smithtown, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-265-6650
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8561424, Longitude: -73.1689108

komentarze 5

  • en

    Reggie Saint Laurent


    Great work and even better staff. Highly recommended.

  • en

    Sal Calvagna


    Augie rebuilt the transmission on my prized 1963 Lincoln Continental convertible two years ago. I was very impressed with his knowledge and workmanship. When I experienced severe problems with the engine recently, I took it back to Augie for a complete rebuild. I am very happy with the results. Thanks Augie!

  • en

    Tom Williams


    Augie is the best. Brought my car in and he did a diagnostic on it and fixed numerous problems effectively and quickly. He and his staff are friendly courteous and professional to work with. I would recommend anyone with car problems to see Augie. Thanks for the great job.

  • Bobby Donohue

    Bobby Donohue


    I have been going to Augie's Garage in Smithtown for about 10 years now, and I am always happy. My current car is a 9 year old Saturn, and every time I drive it out of his garage after maintenance, it feels like a brand new car. Augie has always done right by me. His pricing is fair, and he always explains in great detail the repairs I need, and why - before he commences with the work. But the garage's strength also lies in the people he employs. An auto garage can be an intimidating place for someone who knows nothing about cars outside of pumping gas. Augie and his staff are all friendly and personable, and adept at keeping you in your comfort zone. I should add I live about 20 miles away, and for the past 6 years, this has been our only car. So whenever I go there, I have to drive a half hour, and wait in their waiting room while they work. They have always accommodated me. I could easily find a shop more local to me; one I could walk to and from so I'm not held captive in a waiting room all day. But I don't, because I don't believe I will find a garage, or a professional, with whom I am more comfortable. I would recommend Augie's to anyone.

  • en

    salvadore dudzek


    Staff was on top of it! Took my car in for some routine maintenance and everyone there was so welcoming and helpful, didn't mind the short wait to have my car serviced. Before I knew it my car was pulled out and ready to go...too bad I wasn't! It's so nice to have a place to take my car where I know everything is being taken care of right the first time. Appreciate the honest and prompt service guys!!

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