Audio Visions Speed & Sound/Car Wraps w White Plains

Stany ZjednoczoneAudio Visions Speed & Sound/Car Wraps



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49, Russell Street, 10606, White Plains, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-686-8866
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.036368, Longitude: -73.781868

komentarze 5

  • en

    kristen miller


    Manny and his team did a great job on my window tints. Reasonable priced and professional. My windows look awesome!!

  • en

    richard ranallo


    DON'T LET AN AUDIO SHOP TINT OR WRAP A CAR. BEWARE..Brought my Brand New Jeep in for a clear wrap, roof wrapped in black, windows tinted a taillights wrapped as well. After two tries to clear wrap the front bumper and hood, 8 DAYS, he could not do it. He swore up and down that his guy that does the work will not cut into the paint while trimming the vinyl and my clear coat has cut marks in it. The tint on the drivers door has wrinkles in it as well from over heating with the heat gun. He gave me prices only to not honor them and say he never said that(get all prices in writing first)he changes his tune. He gave me the truck back unfinished and robbed me for $1300. Just glad I have it back and not in his hands. Time to bring it to a Professional.

  • Arvin Hiwatig

    Arvin Hiwatig


    I brought my new car to Manny to have the windows tinted and have them installed my film protector kit onto my headlights and fog lights. And as expected, his team did a great job (special mention to Frank). The installs were flawless. I am coming back for another project.

  • en

    Kendel Ortiz


    My experience at Audio Visions was amazing. Very difficult to find people, especially a business that actually has the customers best interest at heart. I called for some information about an automatic start system for my car. It was the middle of a snowstorm and they were about to go home. After I got my information the person that helped me on the phone, Dave, was nice enough to ask the installer if you were able to take one more person approximately about an hour or so before they closed. He said yes and I headed over there ASAP. When I got there and they were showing me what I needed, that is where I noticed and appreciated everything they had to tell me. They made sure that I didn't get anything that I didn't really need. They definitely saved me money by assuring me that all my needs will be met with their recommendations without having to pay extra. They finished the job in a very timely manner and always kept in contact with me as far as the progression of the installation. Meanwhile, it's the middle of a snowstorm, possibly the biggest one that we will get this winter and these guys just wanted to go home. That just shows the level of customer service that they have. I highly recommend Audio Visions in North White Plains to any and everyone looking to get anything done to their car, definitely and absolutely worth while.

  • vera lusha

    vera lusha


    Audio Vision is the best place for aftermarket upgrades! Manny has been doing upgrades in mine and my families cars for over 15 years now. We are extremely happy with the work he’s done for us. He is such a pleasant person and His staff are pleasant as well. We highly recommend That you pay them a visit if you are in need of an upgrade in your car... He knows what he sells and what ever he tells you that’s the truth. I can go on and on about the great experience I have had and continue to have with Audio Vision.

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