Audi Central Houston i Houston

Forenede StaterAudi Central Houston



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2120, Southwest Freeway, 77098, Houston, Harris County, US Estados Unidos
kontakter telefon: +1 855-295-6143
internet side:
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Latitude: 29.73143, Longitude: -95.41206

kommentar 5

  • Darrow Zeidenstein

    Darrow Zeidenstein


    I received excellent service for a problem that came up unexpectedly in my Audi A6. I happen to be near the dealership when a heat sensor went off. I brought in the car and was given a loaner on the spot. They called me a few hours later and told me that the sensor had been replaced and everything was as good as new. They did a wonderful job with the car wash and the service attendant was exceptionally friendly and attentive. She was also very nice to my kids who were with me.

  • Chelsea MacGregor

    Chelsea MacGregor


    Audi is a great car. Dealer is okay. Servicing your car here sucks. Takes forever. Have never spent less than 3 hours waiting for my car to be serviced even after having a service appointment. They do not give out loaners unless there is a debilitating issue with your car. They offer a free shuttle instead of a loaner car..

  • Geoffrey Gauthier

    Geoffrey Gauthier


    Yuri and Michael were very helpful in showing me inventory and working on price. My time is important and so they set up clear appointment times for test drive and sale. I was in and out in less than 30minutes when I came to sign the paperwork, get an IT orientation, choose warranty extras, and pick up the car. Audi Central has very comfortable facilities as well. Very helpful staff and efficient. This is my 3rd vehicle from them.

  • Crazy Shot

    Crazy Shot


    Excelente lugar para comprar carros usados y nuevos.

  • Edmundo Hernández

    Edmundo Hernández


    Y. Yu

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