ATTYWON en Great Neck

Estados UnidosATTYWON



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727, Middle Neck Road, 11024, Great Neck, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-280-2999
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.806603, Longitude: -73.73518

comentarios 5

  • en

    Itzhak Eisinger


    I hired ATTYWON to update and maintain all the computers and devices for my implant dentistry business. They were recommended to us by another dental office. They did a terrific job. They repaired, cleaned up wiring, updated our server and all PCs, installed a new backup system, router, wifi and all of this was done during hours we requested, quickly and professionally. I am very happy with attywon and I highly recommend them.

  • Eric Lincoln

    Eric Lincoln


    These folks are tops! We have an exclusive bar in NYC that needed very careful planning and updates to all of our A/V, CCTV, Point of Sale and network. ATTYWON handled everything, on a snowy day without disturbing the look and aesthetics of our bar and without disrupting any business. Employees Only loves ATTYWON - highly recommended these guys!

  • en

    Ziva Behnam


    Wonderful service and people. We had a lot of problems with our home heating and cooling running at the same time and wasting money. These folks checked our wiring and combined our systems to a single smart thermostat called NEST that controls everything perfectly. I can even control it from my cell phone. Their work was super clean, they did not leave any mess and they explained everything to us patiently. Very professional. I highly recommend them.

  • en

    Simon Zar


    ATTYWON installed a new surveillance system at our house. Work was done in a very professional manner and no extra charges. All wires were hidden on the interior and exterior of my house. The crew took time to make sure the job was done once an done right! I would highly recommend ATTYWON if you want a reasonably priced, professional, courteous installer. I guarantee you will not be disappointed!

  • en

    ramin hakimian


    ATTYWON installed our A/V system and professionally mounted our huge TV on the wall with all wiring neatly hidden inside our wall. This installation was not easy because the wall backs the exterior of our house, with various layers or brick, mortar, wood and insulation to negotiate. Our living room was instantly converted to a beautiful media room thanks to ATTYWON's experience and attention to detail. To top it all off, they were the most reasonable compared to Geek Squad and other local home theater installers. We highly recommend them to anyone. A++++

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