AT&T Store w Middle Island

Stany ZjednoczoneAT&T Store



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860, Middle Country Road, 11953, Middle Island, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-924-9200
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8823391, Longitude: -72.9399834

komentarze 5

  • en

    Kelsey Cosgrove


    Miguel is hands down the BEST sales rep i have ever come in counter with . I call him all the time with new questions and concerns and every time i do he is always there to help , no questions asked. His knowledge of the business makes it easy to get what needs to be done , done. If i could give him 1000 stars i would without a doubt !

  • en

    Elizabeth DeLeon


    This is an Authorize dealer, Fusion Wireless and these people are fantastic. Better than any corporate store. -they diagnose problems with my phone with a smart check -Added a discount on my account -they checked my account and make sure I wasn't over paying -and they were very friendly and helpful Would recommend

  • en

    Martin Devegvar


    This store has the best customer service I've seen. They are understanding and efficient in their process to do upgrades, new lines, and even port ins from other carriers. I also got DirecTV and the graphics are amazing in my home and I got 100 bucks as well. Thank you again Middle Island ATT!

  • en

    Miguelangel Hernandez


    New AT&T Middle Island Crew at this location!!!! Will help you out with any At&t issues also help you get out of an older phone and try to keep you bill as Low as possible. Will help you out with great promotions!!!

  • en

    Vasiliy Kulbansk


    THE BEST AT&T STORE AROUND! This store is actually under NEW management and the employees here are absolutely amazing and friendly! They are very well spoken and work out amazing deals with you. My last experience was perfect, they do treat you like family. It is deff worth the drive! thank you so much! For the review below: These people were amazing, I don't know why you would give such a negative review!

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