AT&T Store i Irvine

Forenede StaterAT&T Store



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6328, Irvine Boulevard, 92620, Irvine, Orange County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 949-559-1457
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.6961172, Longitude: -117.7409318

kommentar 5

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    Henry Venturella


    The smelly manager (young black guy) walks slower than a turtle (stop acting cool and work, idiot). The bird-brain staff works slower than the oily manager walks. This staff belongs in the hood, not Irvine. Maybe the staff works for Verizon - haha - because that's where I'm moving my family's phone services. I would never let my son or daughter deal with these ghetto corporate slaves.

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    Iris Xu


    Do they even have service here? They guy helped me has such a bad attitude. Basically I just want to change my payment plan and they told me they can do it for me in the store I should call the costumer service or do it by myself. They don’t even know their different internet / phone plans themselves. Such a crappy service.

  • Ali Hajihashemi

    Ali Hajihashemi


    They don’t know how to do their job right the first time and how to correct their mistakes afterwards. Multiple visits required for even minor things. Disappointing.

  • Zheng Fang

    Zheng Fang


    Do not trust anyone in the store! Do not sign anything, or even verbally say yes. Their customer service is the worst.

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    Keykavous Parang


    The worst service you can ever get. They promised me a bundle package for a price. Then I got a bill that is much higher what they promised after I signed two year contract. I went there three times to show them the paper work that shows my quote . They did not commit to the promised rate. I called their loyalty department . The first time they said they will fix it. After one month I got another bill with the same rate. I called again to let them know about the problem. They said they cannot commit to the rate that the agent provided to me when I went to the store. The first time they made the commitment in a written quote. This is the most unprofessional service I received. I cancelled and returned all the equipment. They do not immediately cancel the contract unless you call them many times. The agents on the phones are extremely rude. They are now charging me for a termination fee even they did not follow the agreement they made with me. The worst company I have ever seen. Do not ever make contract with them. You will regret it. The manager in the store is not doing anything and is always sitting int he back. When I asked her to check my account, she said she do not have access to my account. After I pressed her, she opened my account, but then said since you canceled, she could not do anything. I told her that you just told me that my account has not been cancelled yet. She did not even bother to do anything. She just wanted to get rid of me instead of helping to solve the problem. I am done with AT&T and will never come back even they begged me and called me many times to come back. I learned my lesson. I hope you do not do the same mistake. I rate this company and this office minus or zero star.

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