AT&T Store in Holbrook

Vereinigte StaatenAT&T Store



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411, Furrows Road, 11741, Holbrook, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 631-738-8111
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.8070098, Longitude: -73.0728666

kommentare 5

  • en

    Anthony Luciano


    Excellent service & very knowledgeable with great customer care

  • en

    Andrew Zichi


    Walked into store to buy just the wire for the Samsung Galaxy S8 And a generic case and the vendor tried to charge me $65 By the time or walked out of the door the price was down to 50 People like this shouldn't be in business ..Ended up going to zoom wireless in sayville and they charged me 20 bucks for the same exact thing

  • Kevin Holmes

    Kevin Holmes


    One of the worst cell phone stores I have ever been too. LUCKY I am even giving it one star. Let me start by saying how lazy the store employee was, and almost anything my girlfriend would ask him he would say to call the AT&T number (some three digit 6 number). It really felt like he was refusing to help her. After she proceeds to do this, he stated that we were unable to do this in the store, and we had to leave the store while we were on hold (in which then they wanted us to create an account and do all of this other nonsense, all so she could get her phone number changed). Frustrated already, we leave the store to go outside to do this, and 2 minutes later the store employee comes out and meets up with his friends at the Papa Johns pizza place next door, proceeds to buy a pizza, lock up the store and go home. I wish I was making this up. As a person that never leaves reviews for ANYTHING, this greatly upset me and my girlfriend, all she wanted to do was change her number. Something that takes 5 minutes at a Verizon store. We will NOT be coming back to this store ever again, the customer service is absolutely horrible. I wish I was able to get the store employees name to file a higher complaint, or to leave it here so hopefully I can prevent another innocent person from wasting their time by coming here.

  • en

    Alison Erhart


    Horrible ! Poor Customer service and extremely shady . Had to return a phone and was given an attitude. Be very careful when dealing with Sahab... Lots of double talk and no personality. Trust me ...find another store !

  • Sean Cabble

    Sean Cabble


    They switched my fathers phone, serial numbers dont match up to the box. Phone is a diffrerent one than they sold him, they put a used one in a brand new box before he left. These people will eat you alive if you don't catch them taking advantage of you. Poor representation of AT&T, who is supposed to be a family company.

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