AT&T Store en Mahwah

Estados UnidosAT&T Store



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380, New Jersey 17, 07430, Mahwah, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-252-8710
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.084551, Longitude: -74.1522454

comentarios 5

  • en

    John Frazer


    We had a great experience at this AT&T store in Mahwah. Excellent customer service and great deals.

  • en

    Dryden Levy


    Great service the staff is very helpful in answering any questions you may have provided a great experience

  • Diane R

    Diane R


    Great experience getting my son a replacement phone. We had their full attention, they were really pleasant to work with, and the store looks terrific.

  • en

    David S. Rosenstein DC


    My wife and I had the best experience. I used to work in retail and can tell you that this is how retail sales should be conducted! Omar took the best care of my wife and I. He worked hard to make our phone upgrade work and switched us from Verizon to ATT. He also worked with us so that we did not get slammed on the costs by the switch over. We highly recommend Omar and ATT! We rate him as AAA+++ !!!

  • Alejandra Hayden

    Alejandra Hayden


    Had a great experience and the staff was very helpful! They were able to answer all of my questions and get me set up as a new customer with new phones.

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