AT&T i Mount Sinai

Forenede StaterAT&T



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5507, Nesconset Highway, 11766, Mount Sinai, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-743-9807
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.9304985, Longitude: -73.0334495

kommentar 5

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    camila martinez


    Absolutely amazing people and great customer service!

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    Rob Rizzo


    Stopped in to ask some questions about upgrading my phone and Evan was incredibly helpful. He spent 15 minutes educating me on new technology and showing me the options available to me. Great customer service. I'll be taking my business there from now on!

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    Frank Brenes


    I've been a customer for years. Over the the summer they hired an older gentleman and it's obvious that he is way out of his element. If you see him there (Ray) turn around and walk out the door. Wait for another associate to be there. Robert is great and Vinny is back. Deal with them.

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    Wesly Kingston


    This ATT is great! Vinny was a really big help and so was another worker I can't recall the name! They are completely willing to help you, thank you!

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    Michael Ramirez


    I typically visit the Port Jefferson location but they were closed in the middle of a weekday. Not sure why. Customer service told me about the Mount Sinai store. So much better than the Port Jeff store. The guys at this location break everything down for you in a way that you can understand it. They have tables to sit at while they set up your phone the process did not feel rushed. The manager helped me with all of my passwords and made sure I had everything on my new phone. I wish all at&t stores were like this!

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