AT&T w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneAT&T



🕗 godziny otwarcia

501, Alta Mere Drive, 76114, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-731-3900
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7523799, Longitude: -97.4300194

komentarze 5

  • Chris Elias

    Chris Elias


    The staff were extremely helpful and Chris, the Store Manager went above and beyond. If you want a great experience when doing anything with your phone or account go here!!!!

  • en

    Brady Howard


    Braden was my Customer Service Expert today (official title unknown) he was amazing, got me what I needed for a great price and even helped port numbers over from my old carrier. He is a life saver, come see these guys they will not only get you your phone, but make your day with a feeling of family assistance and witty banter.

  • en

    william wright


    Chris and Cole provided superior service. Knowledgeable and ready to help. A different att store sent me away to fix problem on my own. When I come into the store, I want to be taken care of. Also, I am now going to get Internet and TV for the same price I paid for just Internet. Top notch. Will return!

  • jessica garcia

    jessica garcia


    No stars if I could. We waited a while nobody even greeted only 2 workers there not I was intrested intrestting buying phone and switching over I'm sure they can multi-task. But they didn't even try to help us out.

  • en

    Rodney Sikes


    Would give it no stars if I could. I was in line for service. We waited ten minutes and others came in. But staff assisted them instead of me and my daughter who got there before them. Very poor customer service I would not buy anything from this store.

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