AT&T i Greenlawn

Forenede StaterAT&T



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110, Broadway, 11740, Greenlawn, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-754-8100
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.8660232, Longitude: -73.3639415

kommentar 5

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    Jen Hoffman


    Had a sign on the door "be back in 15 minutes". I waited an hour for someone to come back to the store and open... they never did. When I called the store it sent me directly to the customer service line that put me on hold for 14 minutes and then disconnect me. Bye At&t. Hello verizon.

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    Scott Weiss


    The store has been taken over recently and they are fantastic. I recommend this location

  • Tiffany N Sorensen

    Tiffany N Sorensen


    My Galaxy S5's LED screen and glass were cracked, so I went to AT&T in Greenlawn to have them repaired. At the time, I didn't know it wasn't an AT&T corporate store. I paid $200 + tax to have this done. I'm certain they used a screen of the cheapest quality available, because the top corner snapped almost immediately after I picked up my "fixed" phone. A few days later, I dropped my phone onto the carpet from about a foot in the air (mind you, it had a cover and a screen protector). The screen cracked in a different spot, but oddly enough, the screen protector over it was just fine! I went back in to the store only to be told to go to Hicksville and pay $50 for another half-assed job. Since then, I've tried to go back two more times. There's a sign on the door that says "closed indefinitely due to system failure." I think they meant "bad business." Stay away! They're crooks.

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    Lee White


    Sold a phone to my mom, in her 70's, told her that it was new. It had over 200 contacts in the memory, so they lied there. Then, the battery blew up, and told me the only thing that they could do was sell me a new battery, no warranty on used phones. Avoid the deceitful people at this store!!!

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    charlie jay


    I wish I could say I had the same experience as everyone else here but sadly, no. Franco was the guy who helped me. He told me I could continue using my Sprint iPhone i just had to buy a sim card ($25.00), and than also got me to buy a $25.00 pay as you go plan. The phone wouldn't activate in the store and he told me to bring it home to connect it to iTunes and then it would work. It was late at night and they were about to close. He obviously knew that wouldn't work because the next day when I came in to say "hey buddy the phone wont work" he got all nervous. When I asked to return the sim card and pre-paid card (totaling $55.00 worth), he was very quick to throw out AT&T's return policy which stated everything was non-returnable. SO NOW, i basically was left with no working phone and sadly in this poor economy it sucks completely throwing $55.00 out the window. If he would have been honest from the start and told me "No you cant use a Sprint iPhone with one of our plans" i would have never done it. But he told me I could so i believed him. What a mistake. AT&T should be so embarrassed for having employees who obviously do not know anything about the company EXCEPT the return policy. BEWARE: this is an authorized retailer, NOT AN AT&T CORPORATE STORE! They are equal to the bodegas in China town.

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