ATM (Montys Service Station Inc) w North Babylon

Stany ZjednoczoneATM (Montys Service Station Inc)


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1361, Deer Park Avenue, 11703, North Babylon, Suffolk County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7431637, Longitude: -73.3214095

komentarze 1

  • en

    Evan Boyle


    Never trust this place with your car, nor purchase a car from this place. My father has lived down the block from this shop all of his life. He's gone for oil changes and what not, no major work. He sees a jetta for sale that he likes so he talks to the owner and mechanics there to review the car. They said they 100% fully checked out, we changed the oil, we inspected the car, ect. 3 days after purchasing the car there is obviously something wrong. The car had trouble moving through gears and made loud clanking noises. We took the car back for service. The owner and mechanics kept pushing off the car saying, "We are working on it", "getting parts for it"... basically every excuse in the book. 2 weeks later we go get the car and the issues were not resolved. It seemed that the mechanics did nothing but park it in a spot for 2 weeks. We tried to sue the shop but because my dad signed a statement saying "as is" we did not receive a settlement; even though the mechanics explicitly stated they reviewed the entire car. When the car was brought to another mechanic it was obvious how bad of condition the engine was in. I've also heard they damage your vehicle while in the shop to fish more money out of you so beware of monty's. They are a bunch of dirt bags.

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