Atlas Paint Plus, Inc. w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneAtlas Paint Plus, Inc.



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7722, 3rd Avenue, 11209, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-748-1112
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6295479, Longitude: -74.0288062

komentarze 5

  • Irene Hanna

    Irene Hanna


    As soon as you walk in, they ask you if you need help and are friendly. Pricing options are given when you've made your color selection for paint. Prices are not inflated and fair. Highly recommend this place!

  • en

    Christine Saloma


    Both guys dont want to work. I came in 10 minutes before they were scheduled to close and they told me they were closed they couldnt mix my paint. But they did quote me $51 a gallon the day before. I wound up at MIKES PAINT SUPPLY 6411 11 TH AVE. They are amazing my paint was done in 5 minutes and it was only $43 a gallon. Big difference in customer service and price.

  • en

    Alaa Barakat


    Friendly owner and staff. If you have trouble deciding on something, they can help you right away. It's so easy to find what you need with such great customer service!

  • John Kosciusko

    John Kosciusko


    Excellent service, excellent paint (of course, it's Benjamin Moore). I am a professional and go through a good amount of paint. These guys are helpful, prompt and courteous. I've never had a problem. Give them a try a professional...let me advise that you may pay more for Benjamin Moore, but it saves in the long run. My magic combination is BM paint and Purdy brush. (Sorry to sound like a commercial!)

  • Stew Croce

    Stew Croce


    I came in to buy some paint and I was very happy with my experience . They were very polite and helpful. I had no clue what colors to pick out and they not only helped me pick out great colors but they also took there time and did not rush me at all. They were also very busy and had a lot of customers . I will def come back ! 

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