Atlas Barbershop en New York

Estados UnidosAtlas Barbershop



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925, Manor Road, 10314, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-982-9800
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.6042042, Longitude: -74.1203902

comentarios 5

  • en

    Ari Yeger


    That wanted to touch my private areas

  • en

    Daniel Osaulenko


    Cuts are good, shop lacks character. Barbers speak in Albanian most of the time and take their sweet time.

  • en

    Joel Slomko


    Very popular. Great cuts.

  • en

    Kareem Shaher


    Their cuts are below average, nothing special. Went to these guys twice when I needed a quick hair cut and didn't have the time to go to my barber in Brooklyn. Both times I waited for an hour and half. As the other reviewers have mentioned, they allow some people to walk in and sit right-away for the cut without waiting like everyone else. I find that to be unfair. Why should some people have the privilege to walk-in and out in 15 minutes while others sit for hours on end. I will never step a foot in this place ever again. Simply because I believe everyone should be treated equally.

  • Frederick Davis

    Frederick Davis


    I've gone to this Barber Shop mutliple times now, and it's the first time I have been waiting for an hour because the barbers have decided to cut their friends' hair first, even though I've been waiting for much longer. It's very frustrating when one of them looks at me, knowing I've been waiting for an hour, to then service his friend who showed up 15 minutes ago. Also, there a couple of flies that kept flying around the place. The haircuts themselves are decent enough for the price, but you should save yourself the frustration of waiting unfairly.

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