Atlantic Appliance in Yorktown Heights

Vereinigte StaatenAtlantic Appliance



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50, Triangle Center, 10598, Yorktown Heights, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 914-962-2500
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 41.2781992, Longitude: -73.7789381

kommentare 5

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    Grace Koch


    Have been purchasing appliances for my self and tenants for more than 10 years here. Reliable, cost effective.

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    Lisa Sloan


    I recently purchased an oven and a cooktop and the experience couldn't have been better. I went in on a Friday afternoon and my appliances were Installed on Monday morning! The salesman actually came out to my house and measured to make sure everything would fit first. Excellent customer service. The installation was very smooth also.

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    Denise Andersen


    Ordered a washer and dryer from Atlantic. They arrived to deliver. Removed my old washer and dryer. Brought in new ones - new dryer was defective as it was making a huge noise when turned on. They attempted to fix...could not. I said I wasn’t keeping the dryer. Washing machine required a new hook up, so wasn’t able to fully install. I asked them to bring my old ones back in....they said they had “thrown” my old washer and dryer in the back of their truck, as in tossed!! Completely damaged the old washer and dryer!!! Ruined them. In fact, the two delivery guys then got rather rude and said that was standard operating procedure. So I guess it’s SOP with Atlantic to completely damage (make unusable ) any machines they come to replace. Fingers crossed someone else does not get defective new machines from Atlantic -and have Atlantic destroy the old ones .....Office help agreed that this is how Atlantic operates. Do not buy anything from Atlantic. Still waiting on full refund to be posted to my credit card. Though - sure they will still charge me for delivery!!!!

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    Bought over $15,000 of new appliances including a 48" Wolf range. We experienced an issue with the microwave a couple months after the warranty expired. Through e-mail Atlantic Appliance said I had to contact the manufacturer and could offer no assistance. My whole thought of going through a local non-big box store to purchase all of our appliances would be better service after the sale. My expectation by going through a locally owned smaller business would have benefits over the big box stores. I was proved wrong with this situation. After several calls to multiple people it was clear they offered no advantage over the big box store in terms of support after warranty coverage. In this example Atlantic Appliance has done an excellent job commoditizing their value proposition. There is no reason to pay top dollar at Atlantic Appliance. Big box stores generally offer better pricing (especially when you spend over 15k) and you would get the same service after the sale.

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    Tina Huntzinger


    Although I have purchased my appliances at Atlantic Appliances since my move to Yorktown 35+ years ago, I will no longer be doing so. I recently bought a small fridge for my 81 year mother, on a fixed income. Her old fridge was working again the night of the order, as I was cleaning it out. Therefore, more than 24 hours prior to delivery I cancelled the order. Tom, the sales man informed me that there would be a restocking fee and gave my mother a discount on that fee charging her $50. No mention or disclosure was made of a fee, should the order be cancelled, at time of purchase. I would expect this type of service from a big box store, but not from a "neighborhood" store for a long time, loyal customer. 2017 I never received any response to my 2016 review. I have sold my home, and bought a new one also in Yorktown and am remodeling my kitchen. I bought all new GE kitchen appliances and washer dryer from a different store. Very happy with my decision to no longer deal with Atlantic Appliances.

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