ATD Painting w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneATD Painting


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3769, Regency Circle, 76137, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-894-8888
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Latitude: 32.8713541, Longitude: -97.3017216

komentarze 5

  • en

    Brian Allen


    I had my cabinets painted over a month ago, and they weren't done right the first time. Before starting on my job Adam Cook told me about the process and what was involved, including sanding before priming, after priming, between coats, caulking any joints in the cabinets, removing felt pads and hardware, patching any holes or marks in the cabinets, and even said they would replace the silicon caulk that joins my counters to the cabinets with a paintable caulk. During the process I was home the entire time and a minimal amount of sanding was involved, I even told Adam and Jesse about this before after they started priming and before they event started to paint. I also mentioned how they hadn't patched some of the marks and joints in the cabinets, including nail holes. I was told that they would do this before they put on the final coat of paint and that some people do these things after they prime so they can see the marks easier. They also said something about how every crew has their own process, and Jesse told me that they did sand. I don't think so. I've had cabinets done in the past and sanding between coats took a minimum of 30 minutes for a crew of 5 to do it in the past, and there wasn't a 30 minute period where I wasn't in the kitchen checking up on things. So, after a few days we started taking a close look at things. We had multiple dishes covered in over spray (also my dishwasher), we had paint peeling where the silicon caulk WASN'T removed and replaced before painting, and multiple places where you can see the join lines in the cabinets, and places where there were nail holes that had not been filled, and none of the marks/scratches in the cabinets had been sanded down or filled. The same crew came out again, and "removed" the paint from my dishes/glassware/plastic cups. Although there is still some paint on them, some of the glaze on my dishes has been wiped away, and a couple of my plastic cups are now etched. I also lost the use of my kitchen for yet another night. The same crew also did touch ups, most of them look good, but they still didn't fill in the nail holes, and some of the scratches. They replaced the silicon caulk and repainted the area where it was peeling, but it's very noticeable now. No longer is it a nice seamless paint job. All of these things could have been prevented if somebody had listened to me, and made sure the crew was doing the job right from the beginning. They cut corners so they could get the job done quicker. It took 1.5 days for them to complete the original job, when I was told it would take 2-3 days. Seriously, if they had spent an extra hour prepping the area properly, filling in the necessary scratches and joints, they wouldn't have even had to come out and waste another half a day fixing stuff, that didn't even get fixed entirely. I am still not satisfied with my job, and having them come out again and wasting my time by "fixing" it again, is unlikely to produce a nice seamless result. I haven't heard back from them, I've called and emailed to the owner, and he hasn't yet contacted me back. I have filed a BBB complaint as well and still heard nothing. I was told things about how they have a warranty and how "that's why you chose us" to try and settle my mind throughout the entire process, but stll I have a job I am not satisified with.

  • en

    Asha White


    I would highly recommend ATD painting. From the moment I read through their website, I could tell this was a company that takes pride in their work. Professional, efficient, and easy to communicate with. Chris was so helpful starting from day 1. He was accessible throughout the project. I appreciated his guidance and his presence during the days the work crew was here at my home. Every person that worked on my house was friendly and helpful. They finished on time and my house looks beautiful. Look forward to future projects with ATD painting.

  • Linda Letts

    Linda Letts


    When Chris Terrell came to the house to discuss work we wanted to complete in our home, I had no idea we would be so pleased with the outcome. The quality and attention to detail the men gave our modest home, made me feel like we were their most valued customer ever! Jesse and Chris were respectfully friendly and made it a point to stop by to see if the project was moving forward as we desired. They were very flexible with changes and add ons to our project. Victor and his crew were punctual, hard working, and respectful of the family property. Cruz, a member of the crew, was not only friendly and kind, but also skilled at his craft., I never saw him or Victor slow down as the day progressed. If you want to feel like your money was well spent on a home improvement project, this is definitely the company to use!

  • David Lyons

    David Lyons


    Found these guys on Google when looking for companies to get my house ready to sell in Saginaw. Adam worked with me to get quote and get the job done very quickly for me. They crew as professional, and very courteous as well. The outside not looks better then when we originally bought it and am very pleased with the outcome! Highly recommend!

  • en

    Fulton Cook


    It is not often I get ahead of the maintenance curve. Our house is 13 years old and was showing signs of the wear and tear of Texas weather. I was introduced to ATD Painting, through a relative. After checking out the market place and customer satisfaction we chose ATD Painting to bring the exterior of our house back to par. The crew that painted and caulked our house did a fantastic job. Our house actually looks nicer than it did when we bought it. The paint is high quality and so was the workmanship. I highly recommend ATD Painting with no reservations. Fulton Cook

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