Atc Jewelers w Elmwood Park

Stany ZjednoczoneAtc Jewelers



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430, Market Street, 07407, Elmwood Park, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-712-1660
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8985667, Longitude: -74.1122299

komentarze 5

  • Keith B

    Keith B


    Great experience!!! The staff here is amazing. Local place that has been around for along time. Do yourself a favor and skip the big guys that don't care about your business, and go to ATC Jewlers

  • en

    Beth Marut


    Nice people, nice jewelery, I bought my husband's wedding ring here.

  • Frank Cz

    Frank Cz


    Went in to have my watch battery replaced last week. After he opened the watch I was told that a screw is missing. Jeweler spent 5 minutes working on the watch. He replaced the battery then adjusted the time and date. Charged me $30. Today I tried to adjust the time and it is stuck. This problem did not exist before I brought the watch in. Will go back today for explanation.

  • Tim D

    Tim D


    Brought my g-shock there for a new battery, when I got it back, the display wasn't alligned properly in the case and the buttons weren't fuctioning properly. After explaining the problem to them and how it wasn't like that before they touched it, they kept trying to make excuses as to why It was like that and would not admit that they may have moved It while changing the battery. After arguing about it they told me that they can't do anything to fix it. I'm sure it's an easy repair however, I shouldn't have to do it. I definitely would not trust them with any of my watches again.

  • en

    Missy Gilman


    This guy is CHEAP!!! DO NOT BRING YOUR GOLD HERE TO SELL!! He will rip you off!!!! I brought in some scrap gold to sell. Solid 14k. When I entered the store he was helping a customer. He left that customer to come over to me, took my scrap gold, and went back to the other customer. With my gold in his hand, he stood with the other customer, talking for a good 5 minutes. Are you kidding me???? I would have waited for him to take care of the first customer before he came over to me. But he insisted on taking my gold and going back over to the other customer. And he and the other customer weren't even talking business!! They were talking about something totally irrelevant. The customer didn't seem like she was in any hurry, and didn't seem like she gave a crap that I was standing there waiting. The point is that the people in this store are RUDE and INCONSIDERATE!! So finally after weighing my gold, he gives me a price of 50 dollars. I paid over 200 dollars for this necklace!! I told him that, and he said that the gold prices went down, and that the necklace was under 1 gram. TOTAL BS!! I took my gold and left, went to a different jewelry store, and sold the scrap for 100 dollars. So that is FIFTY dollars more than what ATC jewelers offered me!! So my point is...DO NOT GO TO ATC JEWELERS!! THE GUY WITH THE GLASSES IS RUDE, CHEAP, AND HE LIES THROUGH HIS TEETH!!!!

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