ATAX - Marble Hill, Bronx, NY w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneATAX - Marble Hill, Bronx, NY



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5536, Broadway, 10463, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-889-3100
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8776922, Longitude: -73.9052866

komentarze 5

  • en

    Slime Queen


    This place is amazing. I usually file through turbo tax but had an issue and went to this place and I'm glad I did. I got more money w them and they only charge$200. Places like liberty,h&r and Jackson h always charge me around $400-$700. Super professional. I will never file through anywhere else ever Recommend it to everyone.

  • Steven Garcia

    Steven Garcia


    3/15/18.. my experience with atax this year was unbelievably unprofessional.. I've been going to them for the past couple years but this year I don't understand what happened.. from the second I walked in it just seemed like they wanted there part of the check.. I sat down and ran all my numbers which I understood and was satisfied with until I had to wait an hour for some "supervisor" to come and check her employees work? When addressed them about the wait time the front desk lady just yelled at me infront of everyone in the office.. I was shocked from a "professional".. finally the supervisor came and completely changed all my numbers without even explaining to me why or how..seems like she also was more concerned to take the pay and get me out the door.. COMPLETE DISAPPOINTMENT.. 0 stars if I could

  • Angelina Rosario

    Angelina Rosario


    Joel is the guy to come if you don't want to have your taxes done. Unprofessional when booking appointments. He never returns calls nor he cares, the staff disconnect your call when placed on hold, rude and somehow their fees always go up without any prior notice. Never in my life. I will make sure I make everyone else aware of this!!!! Where's the OWNER???

  • Ella Arauz

    Ella Arauz


    I have been coming to this place for many years and always have recommended them many people however I won't recommend them at all they are unprofessional rude. When I was doing my taxes I had explained to Mr Alvarez I thought since the tax have change laws how things didn't change the amount I didn't received a dime and whatever numbers he put now the government wants prove when we went to find out his answers was we just found law change first of all it has been announced since trump came to office things have change why are you the last to know do not go there he suck . You supposed to keep on To of things. Unbelievable I only give one start for the prior years even thought they are racist

  • Marlene Cadillo

    Marlene Cadillo


    It's that time of year and I never dread going to my accountant-ATAX! I know that they will always help me and walk me through the whole process-year after year! Their people are so so friendly and even when I have to wait a long while, they have movies to pass the time or internet access...see you guys soon! 2018!

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