Aspen Dental in Poughkeepsie

Vereinigte StaatenAspen Dental



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2020, South Road, 12601, Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 845-243-3239
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 41.626686, Longitude: -73.914486

kommentare 5

  • en

    Les P


    I've been going to Aspen Dental on South Road In Poughkeepsie since they have opened. I can honestly say the whole staff have been great and the work they do is great. Dr. Stauss is not only good at what she does, but also has a great personality. Kim and Alena who run the front desk can't help you enough. Phil who makes and repairs dentures and partials is the best. I know this because I've been getting work done for many, many reasons over many years. The rest of the staff Marisa, Belle and the other girls are just wonderful.

  • en

    wendell walwyn


    The appointment was very easily made got there before 8 o'clock and the office was already opened the services were excellent.

  • Shodora Bonds

    Shodora Bonds


    I found the staff courteous and friendly. Each memember of that staff was knowledgeable and answered questions I had about my dental concerns. I was offered affordable options and financing assistance as well.

  • en

    Thomas Keefe


    I went to this office as I didn't have insurance, they offered free X-rays and exam. Seemed nice at time. Then I get a quote for 4,396.00. They were kind enough to push a loan at me. Well I was lucky to get offered insurance from my union. I bought the best plan they had. I called 3 times to the Poughkeepsie office to get the broken tooth fix as I've been waiting months now. They never called me back. The person , a woman was rude and ignorant. I would not recommend this service to a criminal. I asked hey I was quoted 135 dollars for a tooth brush. She said no I wasn't. I have the paperwork in my hand. Crazy. Good luck with these money hungry don't care about the person dental office. Won't get my money.

  • en

    Clark Strang


    The only reason why I am giving one star is because the customer service is terrible. I had come in for a visit granted it was a couple years since I have had a visit to the dentist. My insurance company changed so I figured I would give Aspen Dental a shot. I came in there three days ago and got an examination before any services were done. The processes were fine that day and everyone was accommodating. When the dentist saw me after my x-rays and evaluations she told me that I was going to need to remove the tooth and my crown that fell off a week prior to my visit can not be put back on. Towards the end of my visit she asked me if I would like my crown back. I asked her if I should hold on to it because of the tooth not being able to be saved. She said I would most likely have no use with it so I left it. I had another evaluation done just to make sure I didn't have to extract the tooth. I was told I could have it put back in. I had asked them today if I could have my crown back. The desk person then argued with me that I took the crown back. I know for a fact I didn't take the crown back. Just because she argued with me I am not happy with Aspen Dental and I will never go back. If anyone asks me about Aspen Dental I will not refer them there ever. They have lost a new patient and any other patients I could have referred to them in the future.

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