Ashtanga Yoga Room w New Orleans

Stany ZjednoczoneAshtanga Yoga Room



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2521, Jena Street, 70115, New Orleans, Orleans Parish, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 504-813-3738
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.935642, Longitude: -90.104013

komentarze 5

  • gnome computer workshop

    gnome computer workshop


    mixed feelings. beautiful space. many great classes. however, I've tried many times, 4 or 5, to speak to the owner, melanie fawer about the lack of handicap access to the building, but i never heard back from her about the 2 flights of stairs you must climb. the one email i received from her was about how important these reviews are for a small businesses. extremely disappointed. not only were my grievances ignored, it seems, from the owners response, that she doesn't care about excluding handicapped people, only about how her business "looks" online.

  • Giselle del Castillo

    Giselle del Castillo


    As traditional as yoga can get. If you are looking for a neat, proper & safe yoga practice, this is the studio for you. All teachers have been trained by the studio Owner & Director, Melanie Fawer - who in turn studied for years in Mysore, India with the late Sri K Pattabhi Jois; so you will find consistency in teachings. Ashtanga yoga can be a very athletic practice, but can also be modified to cater each individual student's need - it is also a great way to have a home practice if you have time limitations and what not. I have been practicing for 3 yrs and ever since my first day, I knew this was the practice meant for me. Go check them out!!

  • Druminyasa Yoga

    Druminyasa Yoga


    Beautiful studio located in the heart of midtown. Highly recommend working with Melanie Fawer whether you're a beginner or experienced yoga practitioner. Melanie excels in providing alignment based cues and adjustments to help advance and fine tune your practice. Facilities are best-in-class and there is a cafe located downstairs with plenty of restaurants and shops nearby.

  • Stuart Ridgel

    Stuart Ridgel


    Love these people. They are so nice and will take good care of you. Melanie is an expert at her craft and I highly recommend all of her instructors.

  • jena frederick

    jena frederick


    I think the experience of yoga in this studio with these teachers is a gift. Melanie is very good at observing the students and seeing what their needs are. She is a very strong practitioner and her adjustments are amazing. This practice will make you strong both physically and emotionally. The studio is so beautiful. All details have been tended to. The boutique has amazing clothing and jewelry. The sauna is wonderful. There is a meditation room, a biomat and showers if you need to jet straight to work from yoga. It is an incredible experience and New Orleans is lucky to have such a great studio with such wonderful teachers.

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