Ashley Stewart w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneAshley Stewart



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220, West 125th Street, 10027, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 212-531-0800
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.8092014, Longitude: -73.9492676

komentarze 5

  • en

    Lynn Peon


    Love the clothes! Store & fitting room were clean & in order. Staff was very helpful. Only complaint is that outfits on display weren't available on the racks.

  • Glory Expressed Bible and Creative Journaling Plus

    Glory Expressed Bible and Creative Journaling Plus


    They shouldn't have been so quick to make snap judgments and shut me down during our discussion. I purchased something in coop city far from where I live. One item had a broken zipper and the others didn't fit right and one jacket was itchy. I went to return items at 125. the ladies were quick to tell me they couldn't help me with returns and to go to back to coop city. The cashier got frustrated when I looked for a way for the return to take place according to what was printed on the receipt. I came to tears instead of saying something inappropriate to the cashier. I was so angry. It happened that there was a discrepancy on the receipt and ring up and on top off that I was able to get a refund in their store for two items. Thank God I had the presence of mind to pray and try to find out how I can get an exchange or my money refunded. The cashier made me feel like I was a burden to her instead of a customer with a real pressing need. whether she felt it was pressing or not I should have not experienced that. then she tried to sarcastically use my address against me saying I thought you lived far from Coop city which I do. I live in Soundview and coop city is far from me. Well I never will frequent them again if I can help it I left there feeling happy I got a refund for two items but disappointed with how I was handled in regards to cashier's tone and bodily expressions and maneuvers when all I wanted to do was advocate for myself because it really isn't easy - a hop skip and jump to coop city from where I am without paying a lot in a cab not to mention it's not some where I pass by daily. They are probably nice but need to look a little closer at ways to help a customer instead of using a store policy in a careless way.

  • en

    Kavonna Long


    I wanted to purchase bras and asked if I could be fitted the worker said no, she can not fit me but she’ll give me bras to try on. I went downstairs to speak to the manager and told her what happened. She called another worker to help me the worker yelled that she was busy. After that I told her to forget about it. She did tell me to wait for assistance but at that point I didn’t even want to buy anything from there.

  • Keisha Rice

    Keisha Rice


    The workers in this Ashley Stewart are delightful. They really make you feel like you want to spend your money in here. I know you think every place is like that. Oh, No! I stop going to Family Dollar by my house now for a year so far because the manager was disgustingly nasty. I just stop going and I reported her to her higher boss in a long email. He apologized for her behavior but, I was dissatisfied that I just stop going in to spend my hard earned money in any of the Family Dollar's. So, yes the workers make feel so welcome once you walk in and they take the time to get to know you. So, yes this is one of the two Ashley Stewart I love to shop in.

  • en

    Theresa Mack


    The ladies here and super nice and the atmosphere is amazing. The clothes from the brand itself is pretty expensive. But there is a clearance rack. And you can find pretty good stuff there. Just be prepared to spend some good bucks here. Also, no store sells shoes,only online. Also, the jewelry is super nice

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