Ashley HomeStore w New Rochelle

Stany ZjednoczoneAshley HomeStore



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80, Nardozzi Place, 10801, New Rochelle, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-235-0145
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.8973054, Longitude: -73.7960068

komentarze 5

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    Vincent Lobianco


    Sales women we had was inexperienced but the furniture was good. Going to give it a 1 star now. We bought more furniture from them cause my son bought a place, paid for it in full by credit card closing date wasn't till 3 months so they had plenty of time. We called them a month before and told them when we wanted the furniture they gave us a date 2 days b4 delivery the call up and told us the the 2 couches are on backorder. Spoke to someone in Ashley furniture they sold the couches that we ordered and played for and now they made us wait an extra 2 weeks b4 they come. So now they get ONE STAR

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    Dita Penrose


    Christopher is very knowledgeable and is very articulate...I walked in the store to browse and I was able to do so without being bombarded by any sales person. After I feasted my eyes Christopher approached me and introduced himself...It was a warm reception...he made my shopping experience easy and smooth. I didn't feel rushed and as a result I was able to furnish my new home.

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    John McSorley


    Just purchased a new living room sectional, rug and ottoman. Had a great shopping experience because of my sales rep Jose. I highly recommend that you ask for him and he will definitely help you choose the best furniture to meet your needs. He goes that extra mile and does not rush you even as indecisive as I am. They have a variety of financing programs available to meet your needs. The whole staff also makes your shopping a wonderful experience. Want to thank Liz and Aldo as well. Don’t forget to ask for Jose when you go into the Ashley New Rochelle show room.

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    Kimberly Shaw


    When my Husband and I walked in we were greeted by Charles. He didn't try to sell us anything, (the furniture actually sold itself) he was there to assist us with all of our needs. He was courteous and very professional. We found the furniture that we wanted on a different website at a cheaper price and they gladly did a price match for us. My husband and I were very please when we walked out the store. If you ever visit the New Rochelle location, ask for Charles you won't be disappointed.

  • en

    Tony Graciani


    Amazing customer service, I was able to walk in and same day get a great price match on my new sofa and love seat set. The experience was quick pleasant and absolutely painless, Charles that helped us was very kind and understanding and made sure that we not only had a great experience but that we weren't pressured into a sale. I highly recommend this Ashley furniture store and we will definitely be back.

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