Artistic Image Salon & Spa i Fair Lawn

Forenede StaterArtistic Image Salon & Spa



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21-12, Morlot Avenue, 07410, Fair Lawn, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-794-3380
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Latitude: 40.9296025, Longitude: -74.1173442

kommentar 5

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    Deanna Marie Argandona


    This place sucks got my nails done about 3 days ago and they r already messed up wasted my time and money. Never going there again

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    Rubi Leyva


    Worst experience ever. I called to book my appointment and was told by the lady not to purchase the Groupon online because she didn't make any money off it but would honor the pricing I would pay once I got there. She even told me that If I had recently purchased it to call them to refund me the money instead. She did my haircut and blowout which was really average and quick and when I was ready to pay she made me feel awkward telling me I was lying about the Groupon price and it was too low for her. She was rushing me to pay since another customer had walked in and ended up paying almost $20 extra than the Groupon price I would have paid. If I would of know I would have good to a more professional place that would honor their Groupon prices. Please do yourself a favor and don't go!

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    Gladys Fragoso


    Gel manicure lasted less than 2 weeks. Longest time it ever took to get a mani pedi

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    Ruby Castro


    I was on the salon with my friend and Virginia did her hair. and wowww she did a Amazing job she has a great personality. and I love the salon was beautiful. I will definitively come do my nails and my hair with Virginia.. I hardly recommended the salon to every one it is a great atmosphere and everyone has a good personality

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    Kristen Panos


    This salon has every service i can think of and they are adding special additional services. They may have a hard wax option for people who do not have a high tolerance for pain coming soon. The staff is always friendly and welcoming. They offer top notch service.

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