Art of Catering w Portland

Stany ZjednoczoneArt of Catering



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1019, Northwest Everett Street, 97209, Portland, Multnomah County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 503-231-8185
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 45.525117, Longitude: -122.681376

komentarze 2

  • Angela Durant

    Angela Durant


  • en

    Mckenzie Petterson


    I cannot say enough good things about Art of Catering and their event coordinator James Lowry. He was a dream to work with. I had a short engagement which meant time was of the essence. He was the very first to get back to me and set up a meeting promptly to see if they were a good fit. Other caterers either called once to say they would set up a meeting and then I'd never hear from them again or they called 2 weeks after I reached out to them. James in contrast was always professional and never promised anything he couldn't deliver. We also had our wedding at our home which meant unique challenges. James came out to the site multiple times and was very straightforward with us about what was going to work and what wasn't. I loved that he never made me feel silly for a request but made it work when he could. James always had the better ideas though and saw our vision for an Italian, pastoral feel. The staff he hired for the event was outstanding as well and exactly what he promised. All of my guests felt taken care of all night. I kept on getting compliments on the catering and how amazing the food was. The lead, Katherine, was so professional with both me and all the vendors that were here. She always seemed calm (which helped me with my nerves) and made sure the party was going in the right direction. I'll tell you the wedding day was one of the best days of my life and I honestly believe Art of Catering had a lot to do with it. I'd hire them again in a heart beat.

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