Arochi's barbershop w Dallas

Stany ZjednoczoneArochi's barbershop



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5040, Lemmon Avenue, 75209, Dallas, Dallas County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 214-468-1240
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.8243123, Longitude: -96.819393

komentarze 5

  • Rey Aviles

    Rey Aviles


    This place is a little bit cheaper than others in the area but don't let that fool you. The barbers here spend a lot of time on detail, so expect to be here for around 45 mins, but, in my opinion, the end result is worth the time and money.

  • en

    Sylvia Brown


    Got there at 10am. Got let me sit there for an hour before he informed me they didnt have any one available to cut. I feel because i was a girl he didnt feel he had to show me the respect.

  • Miguel Rocha

    Miguel Rocha


    Arochi is my go to barber, detail orientated, professional, and makes you feel welcomed. Always leave his shop looking fresh

  • Joshuan Santiago

    Joshuan Santiago


    Made an appointment with the owner Jose for the following day, arrived 15 minutes prior to the set time and owner was no where to be found. Once he arrived he took another customer who had an appointment, after him another, he didn't even remember he had an appointment with me, so I ended up going with another barber Julio who the whole time kept saying the hair cut I was asking for was complex and challenging. Something you definitely don't want to hear from someone cutting your hair. I ended up leaving with a skin fade that wasn't even properly blended and a hairstyle I didn't ask for, good thing hair grows.

  • en

    Tony Monty


    Besides my first cut by the owner, I have not had a decent haircut here and I kept going back for more chances. I enjoy supporting the young driven guys and local business, but please at least try to apply some skills. The time before this last one, I almost left with one side of the head with more hair than the other, until I caught it and asked for it to be fixed. Today, this guy just took the machine to my head and buzzed the whole back and sides. I would love to support but if an amateur trying to learn doesn't ask, it's hard to improve. Message to the owner, find the right staff before it's too late.

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