Armstrong's w Pittsburgh

Stany ZjednoczoneArmstrong's



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5301, Grove Road, 15236, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 412-885-1033
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.3592598, Longitude: -80.0027028

komentarze 5

  • en

    Craig Sinning


    Love this place. Local non chain with great food, big portions, reasonably priced.

  • en

    Tony Kelly


    Best Chicken Ramano anywhere (imo). Huge portions and a comfortable atmosphere.

  • en

    Tow Doctor


    Me and my wife enjoyed our meal. The food was good but the service was on point. Our waitress kim was attentive but didn't Interrupt us every 5 minutes. She had her timing down. I would have left pictures of our food but I ate it before I thought about it. We enjoyed our first time that and we will go back again soon.

  • en

    Daniel Kline


    Waiting staff absolutely sucks, made reservations hours before for 11 people. We came in and they wouldn’t seat us until everybody was there, and we added one to our guest, a total of 12. After confirming that one guest was added, they made a huge deal about it, and are currently making us wait 30 extra minutes, making reservations absolutely null. Management should really figure out the customer service aspect. Until then, just another snobby south hills restaurant.

  • D Maietta

    D Maietta


    Been eating at Armstrong's and it's various locations for over 25 years. Yes it's the old school menu but they do it all from scratch, not from a box. It does make a huge difference. Portions are huge and very reasonably priced. Service is not the most polished but they're on it and always in a good mood. They're the standard for casual in the area for a reason.

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