Arizona Turf Depot w Peoria

Stany ZjednoczoneArizona Turf Depot



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14131, North Rio Vista Boulevard, 85381, Peoria, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 623-388-3389
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.6130269, Longitude: -112.2478333

komentarze 5

  • en

    Araceli Demesa


    Worker's helpfu

  • en

    chantel jones


    Had the best experience with this company. The office staff is very helpful and knowledgeable. The price per sqft was the best that I could find after shopping around. Very happy with the product that was installed.

  • en

    karen wilson


    I used Faithfully Green to install a full large backyard with their artificial turf. My family and I absolutely love it!!!!! It is a big investment initially but very worth it. The turf looks just like freshly mowed grass and with two dogs and two kids constantly running on it, it still looks great after nearly two years of daily use. This company is wonderful and the installers were amazingly professional. I am quite picky and had received 5 bids before deciding to go with this company. I am now ready for Faithfully Green to install their turf in my front yard.

  • en



    This place is unbelievable, met them at the home show. Thought they would be a good company to try to do business with. I WAS WRONG. I got the biggest run around i have ever had, it seemed like no body knew what the other one was doing. Every time i called after weeks of not hearing from them it was like a brand new day. Finally thought i was on the right path but all of a sudden after weeks of waiting they threw a min square foot on me. The first two people i talked to never said any thing about that. All and all if they are supposed to arizona`s premiere grass dist. I would hate to see the worst. Once again i would advise anyone to stay clear, got to be someone much better than this.

  • en

    Ken Fechner


    I recently purchased grass from Faithfully Green for my front and backyard. Their grass has amazing "real look" with hints of yellow and brown to make it look like I just got finished mowing my grass. I have had numerous people stand right in front of my house asking how much I water, how often do I mow, etc, thinking it is real. You can imagine their shock when I say it's "artificial!" You can walk down the street of my neighborhood and know which grass is fake, real, and definitely which grass is from Faithfully Green because you can't tell the difference!!!! Their quality, color, and value just can't be beat! I now have a weed wacker and lawn mower for sale if anyone is interested.

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