Aretsky Law Group, P.C. i Ridgewood

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45, North Broad Street, 07450, Ridgewood, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-996-0234
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.980754, Longitude: -74.119821

kommentar 3

  • Kristen Paxos Mecionis

    Kristen Paxos Mecionis


    Eric and his team are extremely knowledgeable, experienced and capable attorneys who made the process easy to navigate, understand and manageable. I highly recommend Aretsky Law Group

  • Robert Guarracino

    Robert Guarracino


    I had a very tough divorce case and Eric took control and made the best of a very difficult situaiton. I would highly recommend Eric Aretsky for any type of matirmonial litigation.

  • Timothy Gerber

    Timothy Gerber


    My experience with Eric as an attorney was genuinely pleasurable. Eric's expertise in litigation, and personable attributes made the litigation of my case go over with ease. Eric was always punctual and went above and beyond my expectations in getting my case settled. Eric operated openly with regards to communicating with me and was professional beyond a doubt. Eric's assistance with my litigations was priceless. I strongly recommend using Eric Aretski for any of your personal litigation needs. I am also certain that he would make an excellent and valuable addition to any law firm seeking a personable, professional, ambitious, and relaible attorney.

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