Arden Skin Spa en New York

Estados UnidosArden Skin Spa



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262, Arden Avenue, 10312, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-227-5749
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.5530453, Longitude: -74.1926152

comentarios 5

  • Stephen Gibney

    Stephen Gibney


    I had real back issues when I came to the nice people here at Arden. My back is feeling a lot better and for me there a better choice than a chiropractor. I think you'll like them you should try them out.

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    Mary Triano


    Asked for a package that was being promoted but the woman “misunderstood” and gave me a more expensive service Terrible place I felt conned and I’m not sure if they are licensed Unprofessional

  • GraceMarie Scarmato

    GraceMarie Scarmato


    So I went to get a facial got chased after and demanded for a tip. Was given a mask that led to pink eye. I would not recommend this place to anyone! I never write reviews but after this negative experience I wouldn’t want anyone to go through this as well. I will not be returning nor recommending this place to anyone! - update: The place did give me a refund.

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    charles setteducato


    Arden skin spa is an excellent place to relax the massages are the best the facials are superb and the staff is amazingly friendly I definitely recommend a visit to anyone who likes to be pampered.

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    xiaoxing chen


    They change to the new ownership.I try the massage.The girl has a magic hand and did a wouderful job.After that I Feel energy again!!!!

Salón de belleza más cercano

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