Arby's i Sun City

Forenede StaterArby's



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17032, North 99th Avenue, 85373, Sun City, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 623-977-1003
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.6392567, Longitude: -112.2752856

kommentar 5

  • Denise Childs

    Denise Childs


    Was pretty surprised that they carry Gyro's and decent ones at that. The lettuce they put on them, did not belong, but the gyro meat was good and a nice treat.

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    Gee Man


    Was cold double beef n Swiss. I ask pepper n Arby's sauce or horsey I asked 4 times.

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    Rafael Romero


    Its arby's they have the meat. Don't order that Ruben horrible. Stick to the half pound roast beef with horsey sauce and arby's sauce.

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    Karin Michelle


    Seriously, not good. My whole experience here was pretty was terrible... And on multiple different trips. I always go through the drive-thru and it's really slow service. I'm pretty patient, but sometimes it's excessive waiting time. The meat is gross and usually over cooked. They ask if I want sauce and I always tell them yes some Arby's sauce. Never get any in the bag. One time I did get sauce though... They put about 20 packets...for one little sandwich...

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    Beef, Bacon and Cheese sandwiches we're good. Peach tea very good. Turnovers did not look good. Dried up, filling. Got two salted caramel cookies, they were not edible. Hard as rocks, need steel teeth, to get a bite off of one. Banged them on table, too hard to break. Took them back, young man explained they were all that way. Did not offer to refund.

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