Arapidis Foot Care w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneArapidis Foot Care



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2252, 33rd Street, 11105, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-777-9380
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7743792, Longitude: -73.9111337

komentarze 5

  • en

    Odette Moncayo


    Excellent Dr and the staff is very helpful.

  • en

    joanne apostolakos


    Dr. Arapidis and his staff are excellent. He takes time to explain what is wrong and correct it. My foot calluses have gone away and I am pain free. Thank you!!! I am glad I finally found the best doctor.

  • Nikos Koutras

    Nikos Koutras


    I visited Dr Arapidis with a possible nail problem. He took his time to examine it and he diagnosed that there is no infection (lucky me!). He even gave me free medicine (sample). The office is very clean and the stuff are very friendly! Overall my first time visit there was pleasant! Yes I will recommend Dr Arapidis to my friends and Family!

  • en

    Cindy Haritos


    Dr Arapidis was very patient while I tried to explain my chronic foot pain and took the time to explain different options, therapy, & tips to do at home and while at work. (Due to my job I am on my feet constantly). His office was very clean and professional. His office is a bit far for me but he was highly recommended by a friend and it was definitely worth the drive. I will be returning for any future needs.

  • Stephanie Wollenburg

    Stephanie Wollenburg


    Dr. Arapidis has helped me with two foot issues. I have an old ankle injury that he helps treat, that has now allowed me to begin running again, something I never thought would be possible. He also took care of an ingrown toe nail. He is very personable and patiently and kindly answers all of your questions.

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